Barter Works!

Oklahoma Barter Exchange is a trade group of over 500 members trading goods and services
between two or more members without the use of cash.

Save Cash

Use Oklahoma Barter Exchange to trade and keep your hard earned cash in the bank.

Gain New Clients

Our trading network brings a wealth of brand new customers to your business.

Grow your business

Turn your excess inventory and unused capacity into profit.

Oklahoma Barter Exchange offers Innovative Solutions to save you cash and grow your business

The Largest Trade Exchange in Oklahoma

Oklahoma Barter Exchange is the largest independently owned trade exchange in Oklahoma with over 20 years of successful trading in and around Tulsa. Our members barter millions of dollars in goods and services every year with each other.

Increase Sales and Save Cash

Members have also been able to save their cash on many of the purchases they frequently make to maintain their business, home and even entertainment needs.

Leverage Barter to Grow your Business

If you own a business or have a profession that is in demand, you could join the hundreds of members who are able to barter their good or service for whatever they need instead of paying cash for it. .

Latest Marketplace Items

( Browse, Explore and Post Your Own Items )

$495000.00 per each

Commercial Building for Sale or Lease

1900 Sq Ft with 20 Ft Ceilings, Temperature Controlled, Hwy 20 Footage...

$1250.00 per set

New Ashley Sectional Sofa Sets

New Ashley Sectional Sofa Set...


Bathroom vanity cabinet with towel rack

Over the sink cabinet with knick knack shelf on top and two shelves on...

$50.00 per each

Tempur-pedic Pillows

Tempur-pedic Pillows ...

About Us

Oklahoma Barter Exchange members trade millions of dollars in goods and services with each other every year. Join the fastest growing barter organization in Oklahoma and stop paying cash for a great many of your needs.


5970 E 31st St. Suite P
Tulsa, OK 74135

(918) 628-1929

(918) 619-6877

[email protected]